(813) 324-6459

Let’s smile even when no one’s around

Quote #20 “If you smile when no one else is around, you must really mean it!”

So many times we smile simply to appease others
and to connect with others, but smiling alone is important as well. Spending
time with yourself and really enjoying time with yourself is something that
people need to do in order to relax and de-stress. While it is nice to share a
great smile with other people, feeling happy smiling all by yourself is highly recommended.


Think on some of your favorite memories,
watch your favorite TV show or movie or even just do a hobby that you love that
really makes you smile. Spending time smiling helps us to feel great all day
and a smile that you start in your alone time can very well carry through into
time that you are with others.


When you have had a great day, you can’t help but smile and feel
happy all day long. When you are smiling not for other people
but just for yourself, that is when you really feel true happiness. 

For more smile quotes, click here


Feldman Orthodontics 1773
W Fletcher Ave. Tampa 33612 Florida Tel: 813 968 2483

Let’s smile even when no one’s around

So many times we smile simply to appease others
and to connect with others, but smiling alone is important as well. Spending
time with yourself and really enjoying time with yourself is something that
people need to do in order to relax and de-stress. While it is nice to share a
great smile with other people, feeling happy smiling all by yourself is highly recommended.


Think on some of your favorite memories,
watch your favorite TV show or movie or even just do a hobby that you love that
really makes you smile. Spending time smiling helps us to feel great all day
and a smile that you start in your alone time can very well carry through into
time that you are with others.


When you have had a great day, you can’t help but smile and feel
happy all day long. When you are smiling not for other people
but just for yourself, that is when you really feel true happiness. 

For more smile quotes, click here


Feldman Orthodontics 1773
W Fletcher Ave. Tampa 33612 Florida Tel: 813 968 2483

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