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No, Metal Braces are Not Magnetic: 5 Myths Debunked

There are tons of common braces myths out there! If you’ve heard any of these, you may feel discouraged about orthodontic treatment. We want you to be excited to begin your journey, so we’re here to set the record straight on these myths about braces.

Myth #1 Braces are magnetic.

We think you’ll be excited to know that braces aren’t magnetic and they won’t increase your chances of getting struck by lightning in the slightest.

What are braces made of? Braces are made of high-grade metal alloys, which includes metals and nonmetals. Your chances of getting struck by lightning are 1 in 700,000, with or without your orthodontic treatment.

This also means you don’t have to fear your braces getting stuck when kissing your partner who also has braces! The chances of your braces converging with your date’s braces are pretty low. You won’t magnetize to your partner’s smile and end up in an awkward mess of intertwined wires and brackets.

Myth #2 You have to have metal braces to get straight teeth.

Metal braces are a popular treatment for straightening teeth, but they are by no means the only option for those wanting to experience their best smile!

We provide options for our patients because everyone is unique and we don’t expect one treatment option to suit every patient.

At Blue Wave Orthodontics, our experienced providers offer Invisalign treatment for kids, teens and adults. We are proud to be Invisalign Diamond Plus Providers, as well as the most experienced Invisalign orthodontists in the area.

Myth #3 Braces can pick up radio signals.

The idea that braces can pick up radio signals has been around for a long time; people have been reporting on dental work picking up radio signals for more than 100 years!

There are cases where people have stated they hear talk radio or soft music in their head after getting braces or fillings, with one person reporting they could shut it off by placing their tongue over the offending dental cap. [source]

Mythbusters was intrigued with the famous story of Lucille Ball reportedly picking up radio waves in her mouth during World War II. They created and performed some tests and amazingly concluded that it is possible! [source]

The stories refer to fillings though, not braces. This is one of the more harmless myths about braces, because who wouldn’t want a radio built into their smile?! Having all of your favorite songs at the touch of a bracket? Sounds pretty convenient.

But fortunately (or unfortunately, however you look at it) braces cannot pick up radio signals. Although your rubber band hooks may resemble antennas slightly, the only way you’ll blare music from your mouth is if you belt it out yourself.

Myth #4 Braces are only for kids.

Nope! Braces are for anyone who wants to experience a beautiful, life-changing smile. It’s true that orthodontic treatment can be more efficient on younger patients, because their teeth and jaw bones are still developing. With early orthodontic treatment, braces or Invisalign can work alongside your child’s natural development.

Orthodontic treatment is still effective for adults, though! You can transform your smile at any age. As far as braces being the only option in orthodontics, this isn’t true either. We offer different types of braces, including metal braces, clear ceramic braces and Invisalign clear aligners. Your treatment choice is up to you!

Myth #5: Once my braces are removed, my teeth will remain straight.

Although it would be nice if the results of your treatment lasted a lifetime, you’re still responsible for maintaining your smile once your braces are removed. In fact, the retention phase (when you begin wearing your retainer) of your treatment is arguably the most important stage.

It’s important that you wear your retainer 24/7, through the day and night, when you first begin your retention phase. After a year of regular wear, you’re cleared to start wearing it at nights only! If you choose not to wear your retainer, it’s possible that we’ll be seeing you again for another treatment. Although we’d love to see you again, we don’t want to see all of your hard work and dedication go to waste! Don’t forget to wear your retainer.

Check out our Retainer Program too! This ensures that you will always have properly fitting retainers, without having to worry about retainer cost.

Need more braces myths debunked?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions! We love to hear from you. We’re here to guide you through your treatment process, from your very first visit, to your last appointment.

If you’re looking for a top orthodontist in Florida, you can find us at four convenient locations, including Wesley Chapel, North Tampa, South Tampa or East Bradenton. We’d love to meet you! Request a complimentary exam.

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