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Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

Not every child will require early orthodontic treatment, but many children benefit from it!

At Blue Wave Orthodontics, early or phase 1 treatment will only be recommended when it will prevent further complications from arising later or if early treatment can significantly improve a child’s quality of life.

Phase 1 treatment provides an opportunity to reduce the risk of crowded teeth, gaps, and crooked teeth arising later in life.
However, it is important to weigh the early orthodontic treatment pros and cons to ensure the best outcome for your child.

What is Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment or phase 1 orthodontic treatment occurs during the mixed dentition phase, or when there are still baby teeth present but adult teeth have started to come through. Most children in the mixed dentition phase are between ages 6 and 9.

Phase 1 treatment is designed to help children who still possess many of their primary teeth but are at risk of developing orthodontic challenges, like misalignment or improper growth of their permanent teeth.

It’s a lot more efficient to address bite-related problems or to realign the jaw when the child’s skeletal structure is still pliable. Therefore, orthodontists can ensure that there is enough room in the jaw for the permanent teeth to develop in a healthy alignment.

Children receiving early orthodontic treatment may undergo treatment with an orthodontic appliance (especially palatal expanders) along with braces or Invisalign®.

The primary purpose of early treatment is to ensure that skeletal issues with the jaw and alignment of teeth are corrected before the rest of the permanent teeth grow.

Why a Child Might Need Phase 1 Treatment

If a child is at significant risk of developing severe complications later on, early phase 1 treatment may be necessary.

Early treatment is designed to prevent early problems from developing into more serious ones in the near future or to ensure maximum effectiveness of phase 2 treatment (straightening the teeth).

Phase 1 treatments can also be used to guide the growth of the jaw and facial bones, so permanent teeth have room to grow and the facial appearance is harmonious and proportionate.

An orthodontist may recommend treatment for a child who is experiencing any of the following issues:

• Spaced teeth

• Crowded teeth

• Crossbites

• Underbites

• Overbites

• Missing or extra teeth

• Teeth that don’t meet normally, or at all

• When thumb sucking has influenced the normal growth of teeth or jaw

The fact is, quite a few conditions that are found early on can be treated effectively and efficiently with early orthodontic treatment. In some cases, waiting to correct a problem after the permanent teeth develop may require longer treatment periods or more intensive treatment methods.

Early Orthodontic Treatment Pros and Cons

It’s natural for parents to have some concerns about early orthodontic treatment pros and cons. After all, baby teeth are destined to fall out, so early treatment may seem like an unnecessary expense to a concerned parent.

Contrary to popular belief, neglecting early treatment can actually result in higher treatment costs in future, as your child may require a longer treatment period or a surgical treatment.

Pros of Early Orthodontic Treatment

If there is a risk that there could be damage to teeth and the surrounding tissues, then early orthodontic treatment may be necessary to improve the child’s quality of life.

Problematic orthodontic conditions can cause some considerable issues. For example, severely protruding front teeth and surrounding tissues are more prone to severe damage in the event of a fall.

Although not every case will benefit, early intervention with a phase 1 orthodontic treatment will often reduce the complexity, length, and pain of subsequent treatments required when the child is older and has all their permanent teeth.

There is also an increased chance an older child may not need the entire course of treatment to treat their condition during phase II.

Early orthodontic intervention makes it possible to solve many problems while a child’s jawbone and gums are still relatively pliable. Conditions that may benefit from early intervention include:

• Extreme protruding teeth.

• Not enough space for the proper eruption of permanent teeth at the right time.

• Facial asymmetry caused by a crooked lower jaw.

• Overcrowding of teeth

• Prevent the early loss of baby teeth that allows erupting teeth to come through at the wrong time

The psychological benefits must also be considered if the condition of a child’s teeth is causing them some distress, anxiety or embarrassment.

Cons of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Parents often struggle with ensuring younger children are keeping up with their dental hygiene.

Adding complications to the mix like the extra care required for braces or retainers can make a difficult job even more challenging.

Most treatments also require the parents to make more appointments to check progress and perform adjustments.

Despite the extra supervision, the rewards of necessary but early orthodontic treatments are worth the effort. Early treatment can set your child up for a lifetime of confidence.

What is the best age to get braces?

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that young children receive their first checkup by at least age 7.

A checkup does not mean that early orthodontic treatment will start immediately. Still, it is an excellent time for our orthodontists to detect any current issues or determine if any developing conditions would benefit from early intervention.

Our team of incredible orthodontists is available for expert advice and guidance.

Want to know more about early ortho treatment?

Our team wants to hear from you! We encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have about treatment.

We are here for you in North Tampa, South Tampa, Wesley Chapel, or Bradenton!

Enhance your confidence. Enhance your life. Take the first step today by requesting your complimentary consultation.

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