(813) 324-6459

Point Towards the Heavens

Quote #21 “I have a tickle in my brain and it keeps making the corners of my mouth point towards the heavens”

Sometimes when we feel very happy we can’t help
but express a big toothy grin, it feels as though our entire body is filled
with butterflies. These butterflies can even make their way up into our brain
and feel just like a tickle of happiness. As we feel happy thoughts or even
look back on happy memories we can sort of tickle or trick our brains into
making us smile and remain positive throughout the day.

If you are having a tough day for a
particularly stressful moment, sometimes it can help to daydream just a little
bit to give yourself that fun and happy tickle in your brain that will allow
you to uncontrollably smile.

Sharing fun memories and moments with
others is another great way to share that tickle dissipating any feelings of stress, unhappiness
or even boredom. It’s excellent to try and swap stories and to feel as many happy
memories as you can each and every day. 

This could be partially why many people
turn to meditation or introspection. Spending some time to recall fond memories
once in a while is important to keeping those corners of your mouth
constantly pointed towards the heavens and feeling that great tickle in your
head that helps to keep any bad thoughts away.

For more smile quotes, click here


Feldman Orthodontics 1773 W Fletcher Ave. Tampa 33612 Florida Tel: 813 968 2483

Sometimes when we feel very happy we can’t help
but express a big toothy grin, it feels as though our entire body is filled
with butterflies. These butterflies can even make their way up into our brain
and feel just like a tickle of happiness. As we feel happy thoughts or even
look back on happy memories we can sort of tickle or trick our brains into
making us smile and remain positive throughout the day.

If you are having a tough day for a
particularly stressful moment, sometimes it can help to daydream just a little
bit to give yourself that fun and happy tickle in your brain that will allow
you to uncontrollably smile.

Sharing fun memories and moments with
others is another great way to share that tickle dissipating any feelings of stress, unhappiness
or even boredom. It’s excellent to try and swap stories and to feel as many happy
memories as you can each and every day. 

This could be partially why many people
turn to meditation or introspection. Spending some time to recall fond memories
once in a while is important to keeping those corners of your mouth
constantly pointed towards the heavens and feeling that great tickle in your
head that helps to keep any bad thoughts away.

For more smile quotes, click here


Feldman Orthodontics 1773 W Fletcher Ave. Tampa 33612 Florida Tel: 813 968 2483

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