(813) 324-6459

Happy—Music That Creates a Smile

“Happy” by Pharrell Williams will literally make you happy. Chances are that when you’re flipping that radio dial looking for some good vibrations, you tune into “Happy.” I’d never seen the video before, but it’s well done. It’s 4:07 of happiness. “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” ― Bob Marley When you need a break from a stressful situation, listening to some powerful music can completely change your mood or mindset. If you can sing along to the song—even better! Put together a happy song playlist so you always have something to count on to bring you a smile. What are some of your go-to happy songs, artists, or albums? Share them here or with us on our social networking sites. Don’t worry, be happy. If you are in the Tampa Bay area and looking for highly skilled, expert orthodontics, there is only one practice you need to contact: Feldman Orthodontics. Using the latest and greatest in high-tech equipment, Feldman Orthodontics can optically scan your teeth and provide you Invisalign aligners within weeks, thereby providing you with the latest tools to quickly create that Hollywood smile. Randy M. Feldman D.D.S, M.S., Chief Smile Officer of Feldman Orthodontics will do everything possible to help ensure you are HAPPY and your Smile reflects that happiness. For a free consultation to achieve that perfect smile contact Feldman Orthodontics today! Feldman Orthodontics 1773 W Fletcher Ave. Tampa 33612 Florida Tel: 813 968 2483 3739 Neptune St. Tampa 33629 Florida Tel: 813 254 8005

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