(813) 324-6459

Feldman Orthodontics Team Paints Their Hearts Out for West Tampa Resident

Sixteen employees from Feldman Orthodontics participated in the 27th annual Paint Your Heart Out, Tampa (PYHOT) event on Saturday, April 18. The event is part of a city-wide program that enables citizens, businesses, clubs, and organizations to lend a helping hand to low-income, elderly citizens in the Tampa community.Dr. Randy Feldman, Chief Smile Officer of Feldman Orthodontics, his wife Kelly, staff, and eighteen other friends gathered to paint and beautify a home in West Tampa. Margaret, the homeowner who has lived in that West Palmetto house for 47 years, and the neighborhood since she was six, was very grateful to all involved.True to form, the community-minded team from Feldman Orthodontics not only painted the home, but did some fixing, planting, and sprucing up. The house was topped off with some new lights, wind chimes, and a welcome mat. Dr. Feldman stated that he is “Very proud of his team, for their continued enthusiasm, volunteerism, and amazing customer service both in and out of the office.” He added that, “We enjoyed meeting Margaret and seeing her smile both during and after the project.”Dr. Randy Feldman and the team at Feldman Orthodontics has been giving back to Tampa Bay for its over thirty-two year history. When asked, staff was unanimously supportive of participating in next year’s Paint Your Heart Out Tampa. To learn more about Dr. Feldman and Feldman Orthodontics, please visit: http://YourBite.com or call (813) 968-BITE (2483).

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