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Invisalign VS Braces for Adults

If you came upon this blog, perhaps you are doing some research on the differences between Invisalign and traditional braces. It’s a topic that hits home with many of our patients (if they are candidates for either).Invisalign ‘invisible braces’ have become a global phenomenon. The Invisalign treatment system consists of a series of progressively changing transparent aligners that are each worn for two weeks. These individually manufactured aligners are precisely made with exact calculations to shift your teeth into their ideal position, giving you a straighter, more beautiful smile.Traditional braces consist of metal brackets being glued to your teeth, and tied together by wires and tiny rubber bands. There are options to have brackets that more closely match the color of your teeth OR in a color that can create a fashion statement.Two similarities between Invisalign and braces are that both straighten your teeth and both can help to fix teeth crowding, spacing, crossbite, overbite and underbite.

Pros for Invisalign

Any literature on Invisalign lists the many pros, but there are still some reasons why an adult might choose to go the traditional route. We’ll get to those later.Let’s compare. Because you must remove the Invisalign system prior to eating, you can eat whatever foods you enjoy. You can slosh, brush, and floss your teeth normally for better periodontal health. In contrast, those with traditional braces must avoid foods that might get stuck and will have difficulty cleaning and flossing teeth during treatment.Here’s a few more Invisalign pros. They are virtually invisible. They consist of smooth comfortable plastic instead of the sometimes sharp or irritating metal of traditional braces.Office visits for Invisalign are usually every 10-12 weeks vs 4-7 weeks for traditional braces. The results often come more quickly for Invisalign wearers as they are custom made after digital scanning of your bite and both upper and lower arches are simultaneously corrected. Oftentimes, with traditional braces you have to correct one arch first.

Pros for Traditional Braces

After your initial consultation we will provide pricing for both Invisalign and Traditional Braces. Usually costs are the same, although sometimes there may be a small difference.The other major “inconvenience” difference is that with Invisalign there are virtually no emergency appointments as there are no brackets to break or wires to be too long.The real pros are often based on the individual. It takes a disciplined person to be an Invisalign patient. You have to remove the device prior to eating or drinking anything but water. You also have to brush after each meal to avoid staining. Patients also have to brush and rinse their Invisalign trays, which may seem less obvious than the need to brush the brackets and wires of braces.Although Invisalign is removable, patients also have to be disciplined enough to wear their trays for at least 22 hours daily.

Have Confidence in your Choice

Dr. Randy Feldman, Chief Smile Officer, is Tampa Bay’ FIRST Invisalign Elite Preferred Provider, having completed over 2500 Invisalign patients, placing him in the top 1% of all Invisalign providers in the world! No provider in the Tampa Bay area has a more thorough knowledge of the product, patient case experience and appropriate indication and application, so you really will be getting the best treatment possible. Dr. Feldman has done more Invisalign cases than anyone in Tampa Bay and he also lectures to other providers on the topic of Invisalign. Invisalign currently ranks Dr. Feldman #1 in Florida and #11 in the world.Dr. Feldman has spent the last 30 plus years giving people like you the gift of a beautiful, new healthy smile.If you are looking for a trusted, respected orthodontist with years of experience specializing in his field to give you the smile of a lifetime, then Dr. Feldman is your doctor. “An orthodontist’s experience and expertise can make all the difference in your smile and in your world”, he says.More information on adult orthodontic treatment can be found on our website. We see many adult patients at all of our Tampa Bay locations.

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