(813) 324-6459

Carole Flagg, Our Talented Artist

Image of article featuring a patient.

We were thrilled when our patient, Carole Flagg sent us a copy of the Spring 2016 issue of Tampa Health Care News. Why? Because she’s featured in a great article called “Living the Life You Love,” which is about her as a resident of St. Joseph’s John Knox in Tampa Bay.

Carole has a great Blue Wave Orthodontics smile and it’s well featured in the article’s photo. Carole is a professionally trained artist who has exhibited her work in art galleries and community centers for years. The article mentioned that she decided when she moved into this residence 14 years ago that she would never give up her passion for creating art. Her own residence is filled with many of her beautiful paintings. The author also mentions an upcoming art exhibit featuring more than two dozen of her paintings at a local library.
We always appreciate when our patients share their passion and updates with us. We first met Carole ten years ago. She is taking such great care of that smile while creating masterful artwork. Cheers Carole, a truly remarkable patient.

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