(813) 324-6459

20th Anniversary of Invisalign

Our doctors at Blue Wave Orthodontics recently received an email from Chris Puco, Vice President and Managing Director, North America of Align Technology that really got us excited and made us reflect on a substantial part of our time making smiles.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Align Technology. The Invisalign® system has evolved substantially over the last two decades, and today it is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world.


A set of Invisalign clear aligners

The letter reminded us of the anniversary, and how dedicated Align is to the success of the Invisalign® system and iTero® technology. One billion invested in development alone.

They are working on a new Invisalign Concierge Service, which will make it easier for providers like Blue Wave Ortho to become your smile provider. (Assistance for patients with locating providers and with scheduling).
But the most exciting news was a NEW product! At the end of this month they launch Invisalign® Lite, a new 14-stage Invisalign clear aligner product, which is designed specifically for mild to moderate cases. An even more wonderful smile awaits so many new patients. The best is yet to come!

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