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How do braces move your teeth?

So we know to get the straight teeth we want, you have to go through orthodontic treatment. That usually means getting braces or Invisalign, possibly even an appliance or two, depending on your orthodontic conditions.

But how exactly do braces work to move your teeth into healthy alignment? Let’s break down the art of orthodontics!


First of all…let’s talk orthodontics

Before we get into the mechanics of braces, it may be helpful to chat about “orthodontia” or orthodontics in general. Most people think orthodontics is just about straight teeth. But it’s also about aligned jawbones, good oral health, and getting your best bite!

In fact, the ADA defines orthodontics as “the dental specialty concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, interception, guidance and correction of bad bites”.

And there’s an incredible amount of benefits that come from orthodontic treatment besides a beautiful smile and a healthy bite. Just to name a few…

  • • Increased self-confidence
  • • Improved digestion
  • • Easy to brush and floss

So let’s get down to the root of orthodontic tooth movement!


How do braces actually work to straighten your teeth?

Over the course of your braces treatment, you’ll attend a braces adjustment appointment about every 6 to 12 weeks! At each appointment, our orthodontic assistants will take out your braces wires and remove old elastics for our orthodontists to put in new ones!

Your braces wire will be thicker every time and you’ll often notice steel ties or power chains in different places as your treatment continues. Each of these appliances are uniquely designed to bring you one step closer to a beautiful, healthy smile. You’ll go about your day and care for your braces while they’re hard at work making on your smile-in-progress.
Your braces system will apply gentle forces to the roots of your teeth, guiding them into the ideal position your orthodontist has calculated. It may take about 6 weeks for you to start seeing the results of the movement, but rest assured your braces are hard at work 24/7, making slight adjustments to the position of your teeth.

Under your orthodontist’s direction, your braces will not only control the amount of force that is used to move your teeth, but also the timing of that force. In fact, your braces will only move a few teeth at any one time. This is to ensure you’re comfortable and protect your teeth from excessive force!

Our board-certified orthodontists, Dr. Guloy or Dr. Cetta, can walk you through how your smile journey will look during your complimentary orthodontic exam too. Using the advanced intraoral scanner, iTero®, you can watch your dream smile come to life on screen!


Still have questions about how braces move teeth?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions! We’re here to guide you through orthodontic treatment and ensure that you achieve beautiful, lifelong results. If you’re looking for advice – or just want to chat about your child’s treatment – we’re here for you.

Still considering orthodontic treatment? We’re proud to offer a variety of desirable treatment options for all ages! Choose from traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, custom braces and Invisalign clear aligners. We’re proud to be the most experienced Invisalign practice in Tampa Bay.

Dr. Cetta, Dr. Guloy and our experienced team will help you make the best choice for your smile on your first visit.

Ready to get started? Request your complimentary orthodontic exam with our experienced orthodontists in Wesley Chapel, North Tampa, South Tampa or East Bradenton today!

Let’s help you look good, do good and feel good!

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