(813) 324-6459

How does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment system where transparent aligners are used to gradually shift the teeth into their ideal positions. Each aligner or tray is worn for one week and we recommend wearing them 24/7 day and night. The aligners are only removed in order to eat, brush, and floss the teeth. The least amount of time that aligners should be worn is 22 hours a day.
A person holding her Invisalign Clear Aligners.

Teens and adults choose Invisalign over traditional braces if they want to have somewhat invisible orthodontics and to avoid dealing with potentially uncomfortable wires and brackets. There are also less trips to the orthodontist than with traditional braces as the alignment plan is set, with no need for wire adjustments in the office. In many cases, Invisalign takes less time than traditional braces with an average treatment time of about 12-14 months.

The Invisalign trays are unique as your mouth and teeth are unique. Our office uses iTero digital impressions to capture the form and structure of the tooth and gum line into a computer. Our doctors can then use specialized software to plan your unique treatment adjustments. Individually manufactured aligners are precisely made with exact calculations to shift your teeth into their ideal position, giving you a straighter, more beautiful healthier smile. What you receive is all sets of aligners and a planned end date for your treatment.
Results are obvious with each tray and each week that passes. You can even remove your trays for that perfect photo or special moment like your wedding or prom.
We’ll tell you more about Invisalign in this multi-part series, so thanks for reading and stay tuned.

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