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Things I Wish I Knew Before Invisalign

After speaking with patients, we’ve learned that there a few things that they wish they knew before embracing Invisalign. To help you prepare, we offer some tips to make the treatment better. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment system where transparent aligners are used instead of brackets and wires to gradually shift the teeth into their ideal positions. Each aligner or tray is worn for one week and we recommend wearing them 24/7 day and night. The aligners are only removed in order to eat, brush, and floss the teeth. The least amount of time that aligners should be worn is 22 hours a day.
The Blue Wave team will go over all of that, and more, but if we write this blog from the perspective of an Invisalign patient, there are a number of things they may say they wish they knew beforehand.
There May Be Adjustments In Speaking
Every patient is different, but generally, any lisp due to Invisalign will go away after a day or two. Some people even adjust within a few hours! If a lisp occurs, it will fade and eventually disappear as the tongue get accustomed to the aligners and adjusts accordingly.
There Will Be Discomfort And Some Pressure
Invisalign trays move the teeth by applying pressure on the areas that need to shift. Sometimes the aligners will be more uncomfortable or even painful. Our next tip can help with that, so read on.
Changing To New Trays Is Better Before Bed
As the trays are changed daily, and are also worn at night, we recommend changing them before bedtime, so that most of the adjustment time is during sleep. In this way, the most pressure during tooth shift occurs while you are peacefully asleep. By morning, the intensity will be decreased and you will not notice it as much. Dr. Feldman mentions, “adding a little water to each tray makes the aligners easier to place.”


Toothbrush and toothpaste demonstration.

You Can Get Faster Results

You can NOW get the smile of your dreams in half the time! Blue Wave can suggest adding AcceleDent Aura to your treatment. The AcceleDent Aura device is worn by patients for twenty minutes a day during their traditional braces or Invisalign, and gently vibrates teeth into alignment over time. The subtle micro-pulsations stimulate blood flow to the gums and speeds up the bone remodeling process.
Changes In Eating and Drinking
Although you can eat anything, as you remove your aligners when eating, you will find that you snack less. This may be a change to your lifestyle. You may also notice that, as you must brush before replacing your aligners, you will not dine until you can comply. You can drink water with Invisalign, but also have to remove your aligners when drinking other things. It is also advised to drink coffee, tea, wine, or anything that will stain the teeth, more quickly, not allowing it to linger on the enamel.
You May Need Temporary “Bumps” Bonded To Your Teeth
In some cases, tiny tooth-colored “buttons,” officially called attachments, are temporarily bonded to the teeth to help the aligners in their movement. They are removed after treatment of course, but take some getting used to.
Caring For Your Teeth Takes Extra Time
Get ready to brush and floss more often. As we mentioned, you must brush and have your teeth clean before replacing your Invisalign after eating or drinking anything but water. This means you will be traveling with your toothbrush, paste, and floss. Social situations also have a little more stress, as you will find yourself stepping away after meals to brush.
Retainers Are Necessary
No matter how rapid your treatment, once complete you must wear a retainer every night, forever, to keep your teeth in place. This is also true for traditional braces though. If you want a perfect smile, you have to work at it, and work with your orthodontist.
Dr. Randy Feldman also suggests that you read our recent blog on Pros and Cons of Invisalign for more perspective on the topic. He adds, “We’re here for your questions on Invisalign and Invisalign Teen, so contact us today or make an appointment for your free orthodontic exam.”

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