Immediately after treatment, patients may be advised to wear their retainers full-time for the first six months (except for meals and brushing). After this, they should be worn for nights only! Proper retainer care and use are imperative for keeping your brand-new smile as nice as the day the braces or Invisalign came off.
Caring for your retainer after braces or Invisalign
Whenever you brush your teeth, you should brush your retainer, especially before bed! We recommend using a separate toothbrush for your retainer. Essix retainers and the metal Hawley style retainers are to be cleaned often with antibacterial soap and NOT with toothpaste. Toothpaste is for your teeth, not plastic retainers. Beware of soaking your retainers in denture cleaner, because cleaning so over time will cause the retainer to be stained yellow. Thoroughly rinse your retainer with plain water before placing it back in your mouth. For more tips on cleaning your retainer, check out our blog here!
Lost or damaged retainers
How do I store my retainers when I’m not wearing them? A great question! Our team will always provide you with a retainer case with your retainers. Although, it’s a good idea to keep your old Invisalign case as a backup. And remember, when not being worn, you should store your retainers in your case and keep your case in a safe and secure place. Wrapping it in a napkin could lead to throwing it out or leaving it behind, and leaving it in the reach of small children or your pet is also a recipe for disaster.
Still have questions about proper retainer wear and care?
Our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way. Request your complimentary exam with us and we’ll take care of the rest.